Sunday, April 23, 2006

Nanne Grönvall rocks!

I'm so excited! I've just ordered Nanne Grönvall's new album from Skivhugget which is the main online swedish music store.

Nothing to do with politics or being a councillor, I know.

But Nanne rocks, she really does! She has another claim to fame. She's the daughter in law of Benny Andersson, the one with the beard from ABBA.

Anyway, if you have the opportunity to download any of her stuff from the internet I thoroughly recommend it. 'Håll om mig', 'Cirkus Homosapiens' and 'Avundsjuk' are particularly good in my opnion. Of course, it helps if you speak Swedish as she hasn't done that much in english.

Oh, and I'm absolutely certain that she must support Moderata Samlingspartiet, there that's the political link.

You can find out more about Nanne here

I sound like a bunny boiling groupie. Time to go to bed.

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