Just sent out the latest e-mail to residents of the ward about various issues effecting us. It struck me that this would be a good place to publish it too. It's therefore reproduced below.
It's amazing the power of e-mail, I'm able to reach a number of people equal to almost half those who voted for me last year at the touch of a button!
Nick's Easter E-mail:
Proposed Mobile Phone Mast by Tesco on Castle Lane EastI’m very pleased to say that our campaign to oppose the siting of a mast by O2 on Castle Lane East by Tesco has been successful. I heard from the planning department on Thursday that the planning application to site the mast here has been turned down. The Planning Department are now going to ask O2 to look at the two alternative sites we put forward. These being to the rear of Tesco, by their goods entrance, or at the top of Castle Lane East where there are already some other masts in a small compound by the Littledown Centre football pitches.
Thank you to everyone who wrote in opposition to the mast being sited in the proposed location. I will of course be in touch with the Planning Department to ensure that they both do actually send the letter informing O2 of their decision in time, and that it has the correct wording within it!
Littledown and Iford ForumI’m very pleased to report that the Littledown and Iford Forum has been reformed under the chairmanship of local resident Cyril Baker. The Forum’s job will be to represent your views to the council, to inform you of proposals for the area, allow debate on these and scrutinise the work of the council and local councillors. I very much welcome is reformation, it’s purpose isn’t in any way political, rather to act as a forum for local residents to ensure their views are taken in to account.
It’s first meeting is likely to be in May or June and I would very much encourage you to come along at that time.
Swanmore GardensThere have been further problems with young people breaking in to Swanmore Gardens at night. I have spoken to the police and parks officers to ask them to patrol the gardens more regularly. If anyone is aware of any disturbance coming from the gardens please either let me know, call the council to inform them (451451) or Boscombe Police Station (303766)
On Street Car SalesThe council have begun a crack down against on street car sales. This is a particular issue along Christchurch Road, Corhampton Road and in many of the side roads in Iford. I am aware of and have reported issues in Corhampton Road, Warnford Road, Christchurch Road and Hambledon Road. If you are aware of any other areas where this has been happening can you please let me know and I will pass the information on to the enforcement officers at the Council.
Planning AppealsThanks to everyone who has written letters in opposition to the planning appeals for 163 Harewood Avenue and 2 Ropley Road. The dates have now passed for submissions with over 150 responses for Harewood Avenue and over 40 for Ropley Road. We now have to await a decision which may take a few weeks.
The revised planning application for 2 Ropley Road does not appear on the list for this month’s Planning Board meeting. If it is not refused by officers and goes before the Board it will probably therefore be the May meeting at which it is held. More information about that as I get it.
Finally, can I wish you a very happy and peaceful Easter.