Saturday, April 12, 2008

1300 Christchurch Road

This is the house on the corner of Colemore Road and Christchurch Road which was the subject of an application for varying numbers of flats. I’m pleased to confirm that the council has also turned down this application.

The developers have now made two fresh applications, one for 4 houses to be built on the site, each with one parking space, and the second for a single, large house to be built in the garden. Again, traffic concerns are of paramount importance with the site, being on such a dangerous corner. If you wish to comment on the applications you have until 30th March to make your views know to the Planning Department at the Council.

AFC Bournemouth Planning Application

If you remember there was an appeal lodged against the Council’s decision to turn down the application to knock down the house in Thistlebarrow Road and build a small estate of 10 houses alongside the football ground.


I’m pleased to say that the appeal was also refused.  Given the financial problems at the club, it may be a little while before a further application is made, but I would suspect that a fresh application will eventually be forthcoming.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Environmental Small Grants Scheme

The council has announced that a further allocation has been made available for this financial year for the Environmental Small Grants Scheme funded through the Safer Stronger Communities Fund.

The funding is available for up to £1000 for community groups in Bournemouth. The projects must contribute towards improving the environment, green spaces or promote awareness or contribute to recycling targets. The funding can only be used for capital not revenue (so no wages or services) and the group needs to be a constituted group with a bank account in the name of the group (in some instances we may be able to work around this by asking for invoices to be sent directly to the Council).

Applications can be submitted at any time but the project must happen this financial year. The application process is intentionally simple if you would like to apply then you should contact Cat McMillan

Littledown and Iford Forum

The AGM of the Littledown and Iford Forum will be held at St Peters School next Thursday, 17th April, at 7.30pm. The guest speaker will be John Beesley who is the chairman of the planning board in Bournemouth and also the deputy leader of the council. Everyone is welcome to come along and there will be the usual question and answer session for your local councillors.

1085 - 1087 Christchurch Road

A further application has been made for this site, to include a block of two shops and six flats, with a further block of 5 flats situated behind it. This time there is no parking provision on the site. Again we will be opposing the scheme because of its lack of parking, the potential for road hazard which results from this and the scale and size of the buildings.

1300 Christchurch Road - Application for 9 Flats

Hard on the heals of the planning application for housing on the site, a fresh application for 9 flats with only two parking spaces has come forward. To our mind this falls in to the same category as the previous flat applications. Too little parking, too out of keeping and much larger than the current building.

We would recommend residents oppose the application and have circulated our our usual letters explaining how to object.