We must protect our parks for recreational and community use, BUT, the Act needs to reflect the realities of modern life in Bournemouth. It's a very blunt instrument which has been used to hinder sensible use of the parks.
The closure of the road through Meyrick Park comes to mind as an example of this. Another has been brought to my attention by a comment left here under the New Year's Resolution thread on this blog. The congestion in Ashley Road in the mornings by King's Park School hinders traffic flow and is, as the poster comments, frankly dangerous. Allowing drop off in the parking area by the cricket pavilion would make perfect sense to me.
I brought the issue of the Act up at a meeting I attended this week to discuss the detail of the Conservatives' manifesto for the forthcoming Council elections. I'm very pleased to say that we agreed to include a commitment to review the Act and ask our MPs to sponsor a revised version in Parliament.
That recommendation will be put to our current councillors and candidates at a meeting later this month, if approved it becomes a commitment should we win control of the Council on May 3rd.
Thank-you,Cllr King,for bringing this to your blog.Some-time ago,due to the congestion and danger of parents dropping their children off in front of Kings Park school,The school advised parents that the front gates of the school be closed for a trial period and allow parents to drop their children off in kings park and the children would use the back gates to enter school.However,the plan was shelved as it was believed that the Friends of Kings Park would complain that the parents were not using the park,therefore,the plan was shelved.Now are children and parents are faced with danger and i,as,a parent,sympathise with the school staff.Because of Miss Findlay and her narrow minded,pathetic,cronies the children,staff and parents face daily risk when the park is empty.Talking to other parents in the playground who live in springbourne they tell me that Elaine Findlay and Dee Henderson are members of the Neighbourhood Management Board and may use their powers and whilst their on this Board,they have no confidence or support for Neighbourhood Management.I hope Cllr King,you can make some sense of this and maybe our local MP will intervene and act before some-one is hurt or killed.Gillian
Time too be honest now.Who has benefited from the closure of Kings Park--Answer-Absolutley no-one,except,Mrs Findlay and Mrs Henderson of the Friends of Kings Park.The five park act has got to be changed to fit into todays living.With more planning application for flats and limited parking it is becoming unbearable for a decent living.The park belongs to the People of Bournemouth and not the nimby's of the Friends of Kings Park and if they think they represent our views,in short,you do not!
Can I just say that a lot of AFC Bournemouth fans agree with this as well. We argued a few years ago that the Act needs reforming.
Some of our archives below...
Cheers PaulW - www.rednblack.net
The five parks act is a nonsense.By closing the park,the park has become isolated to the people of the local area.The gates at Gloucester Road should be open all the time to allow traffic through.Our local resident nimby's Elaine Findlay and Dee Henderson have caused more damage to the local area.AFCB,were there along time before they moved in and if they do not like it,Then move.Christopher.
So Elaine Findlay say that cars using the park must be there for the purpose of using the park.So if i took my children to watch AFCB and then used the swing park then i am entitled to park in the park.
I have just moved out of Springbourne into the littledown area and because of Elaine Findlay and Dee Henderson who with their small unrepresentative group made parking in the area a premium for local residents.The Park should be opened and JP Morgan should once again operate the park and ride from Kings Park.How they are on the Neighbourhood Management Board is beggars belief as they have done nothing but harm to the local area than good and thats why i go to Cllr Filers at least they care for local people.Sid Thomas
I am a resident who lives in littledown but my father lives in Springbourne.We are true supporters of AFCB
Because of Elaine Findlay and her your comment
You can use some HTML tags, such very small group(i beleive one other)our club has suffered and so has the local residents.The five Park act is a total farce and how can a minority over-rule the majority.
I have read other comments regarding this issue and totally agree with all subscribers.Regarding Miss Findlay sitting on the Neighbourhood Management Board according to my father and his neighbours in Springbourne,it is a total failure.John Laine
Nice to see a hot topic.Frankly,the park should be open but more security is needed to halt gypsy trespass.
The Park has developed with an indoor bowls,new football ground,skateboard park and the possibilty of an hotel, therefore, the park should change to accomodate the changing the enviroment.Obviously,The Friends of Kings Park will object but they are in the minorities.
Thanks to everyone for commenting in this thread. It's tremendously useful to see people's comments and to receive confirmation that residents generally feel that the Five Parks Act needs to be updated.
To my mind we need to have groups such as the Friends of Kings Park to ensure that development doesn't go too far and that the original purpose of the park as a recreational facility for everyone's use is maintained.
However, when the legislation to which they refer is so blunt that it has a negative effect then the Act needs to be changed.
A perfect example is the argument over pedestrian access in to the park. The purpose of the Act is to allow general use for the community. Yet, it's been used to question the creation of new pedestrian entrances. That's simply ridiculous in my view and totally contrary to the original purpose of the Act.
As the last poster said, the use of the park has changed beyond recognition in the last couple of decades. There are many alterations that could be made which would benefit many people without taking away the original intent. Currently the Five Parks Act can be too easily used to block progress, that's why I think it needs to be changed.
As stated on another issue on this Blog.King Park will need to be open for the possible developement of the Hotel.Even if the hotel developement does not happen than i am still in favour of opening the park for parking and access.
Cllr King.I have just read your summary on this issue.We certainly do not want a group like the Friends of Kings Park.We want a group that is positive and is able to move with the times and bring the park back for the residents benefit and not certain individual's agenda's
Excellent subject,Well done Cllr King.I agree with all the comments posted.I am keen to see the park develope and that means opening up the park to through traffic.It is there for recreation and especially for families.Miss Findlay and Company has turned the park into an isolated piece of ground when it should be full of life.The Five Park act is out of touch and in the 21st century,redundant.Believe me,Miss Findlay the park belongs to the people of Bournemouth and not you!!A long term resident of Leeson Road.
For a hotel to sustain business then all access routes through the park must be open.The park was only closed due to the fact that Elaine M Findley and Dee Henderson had a dislike toward the football club and its supporters.
If the new administration for Bournemouth is the Conservative Group than i hope that this will be a priority.I have nothing but sheer oppostion and contempt to the Friends Of Kings Park and what they stand for.A couple of individuals who believe they have ownership.Aresident of Hayes Avenue
I have just been out in the park this afternoon walking my dog and really i do believe that the park has suffered since the closure of the roads.
Reflecting back to the 1960's when the big white tennis pavilion stood proud,the circus,the fair,it is a shadow of it former self.As a woman walking alone with her dog you do feel vulnerable where with passing traffic at least you would feel in company.over the years i have often spoke to other dog walkers who shared a joke that the persons who closed the park never uses it.May Bartlett.
As a football supporter of AFCB,i always felt that Elaine Findlay and Dee Henderson had a personal grievance against the club and it's supporters and that is why they used the five parks act.Do they both not realise that we,as supporters,generate an economy in an area like Boscombe,which needs as much assistance as possible.Also the good work that the club gives back to the local community and especially the local schools.Cllr,Every supporter would be behind you if this act would be altered and the park re-open again..AFCB-Red
Read about this topic on the RednBlack website and as a littldown resident and a football supporter,this gives me the chance to express my views.
Kings Park should never,ever been closed.This was about Elaine Findley and Dee Henderson's desire to cripple the club.What harm does parking in the park create.At least if were allowed to park in the park we would not cause the pressure on local residents in the outlying area's.I have been aware that they both sit on the Neighbourhood Management Board and as the Friends of Kings Park have been quiet are they using this as a tool for their own agenda.It is time for the park,club and area to move forward and by re-visiting the Five Parks act would be approriate.Stan
I am certain that by closing King Park this has encouraged the travellers to illegally encamp on the Land.Had it been open with constant and through traffic it may not of happened.For this,you have to point the finger at Elaine Findlay and the Friend of Kings Park(Thats all whos on the group).What makes it more insulting is that Elaine Findlay was not even born in Bournemouth,but chooses to come here and beleive's what she is doing is correct for the local population.I hate to think if she moved next to a railway line or airport,stop the planes and trains or ask them to move.The tone of my entry might seem sarcastic,but after years of congestion,you will probally understand why.Grant
Hot issue this one, but a good one.The Park should never have been shut.It has created a blockage in Littledown,Townsend,Springbourne and Boscombe.It was Elaine Findlays plan to disrupt the football club and nothing else.With Games at a Max of twice a week,what harm does it do by parking.
Best local subject on the blog and one that should be a major topic of local politics.For years now,we the residents have been dictated to by a group of non representative half-wits who feel they should impose their short sighted opinion on us all.The closing of Gloucester Road gates should never of happen and why?For there is a local Police Station in Gloucester Road and if an emergency happened in the park they have to drive out towards Christchurch Road and along Ashley Road to gain access as opposed to a quick drive down Gloucester Road and into the Park.Whatever political persuation,this was harmfull to the local community and should be addressed.
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