When setting up the recycling scheme it seems the council completely ignored the need for green waste collection and as a consequence the system we see now is, to my mind, an after thought.
There is some good news in that we have obtained agreement from the Council that the collection schemes at Kings Park and Slades Farm will now continue through until the end of the financial year (late March). It had originally been due to finish on DEcember 22nd. At the moment there is no news of their continuance beyond that point because no budget has been approved for them as yet.
As you are probably aware, I’m a Conservative councillor and therefore not of the ruling party on the Council at the moment. We have criticised the lack of green waste collection facilities from the start of the scheme and have now placed a commitment to introduce green waste collection in a similar manner to that practised in Poole, as soon as possible if we win control of the council in May. I’m afraid that in practical terms that probably means nothing happening until the autumn at the earliest.
Not more bins.Lets get the re-cycling issue dealt with first and the removal of bins from our streets that have not been emptied.It is clear around Bournemouth that the general appearance has deteriated.
Gone Green!
Well that didn’t last long!
We have been advised by the Green Waste Hotline that Bournemouth Council has abandoned its garden waste bag collection service with immediate effect!
The gentleman we spoke with said that they do not know what, if any, solution will be offered to Bournemouth Residents later in the year, and it will depend on budgets. Obviously this just adds to the general state of confusion with the new recycling policy.
The Hotline said that people must now take their green garden waste to the tip. But what about people without suitable transport or Senior Citizens who may struggle?
Whilst not a long term solution, we have added a special Green Garden Waste Collection to our service for Bournemouth Residents until the mess is sorted out. We will provide heavy-duty free garden waste bags which we’ll collect from peoples’ homes. They can call us on 0800 345 7277 and we will see if we can help.
Simon Bennett
CleanRecycle Ltd
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