This is going before the Planning Board this coming Monday, October 18th. It’s likely to be the first item on the agenda and therefore heard at about 4 – 4.30pm. Both Jane and I are very concerned about the proposal. Not least because the current application suggests that we should need no further road improvements to cope with additional traffic and parking. We believe that’s completely wrong and will be attending to press for section 106 money (effectively a developer contribution to infrastructure) to be ring fenced for local parking schemes and road improvements – particularly the King’s Park on slip – if the development ever goes ahead.
For myself I’m very sceptical of the site. An ice rink for the town might well be a good idea, but to my mind King’s Park isn’t the right place, it should be more centrally located and I am concerned that the development of a rink in Southampton might limit the scope for the development of a rink in Bournemouth.