Nick King, Conservative Councillor for Littledown and Iford ward, Bournemouth Unitary Authority. Thoughts and news about the ward, the Conservative Party in Bournemouth, Bournemouth Borough Council and other national and local issues. (All views expressed are personal to me, and do not reflect official Conservative Party, Conservative Group on Bournemouth Council or Bournemouth East Conservative Association opinions)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Empty Shops and Empty Pockets?
I therefore spent a couple of hours at Castlepoint and the shopping centre on the old bus depot site opposite.
What was astounding was firstly how few people there were about, the car parks were busy but by no means full and the shops were equally busy but there were virtually no queues at the tills.
More surprising for me was the lack of stock on the shelves. Admittedly, we are at the end of a week in which there is little stock coming in to the stores, but even so there was a very limited choice of goods. This wasn't just the case in the electrical stores, but also in the food shops as well.
It's a poor augry for the coming year. Little money to spend, both by consumers and by retailers stocking their shelves will surely have a circular and knock on effect, one thing leading on to the other. It doesn't bode well and it proves how wrong the Government's policy of borrowing wildly to pay for tax cuts that have had little effect and to bail out the banks who continue to refuse to lend is.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Day
Monday, August 18, 2008
AFC Bournemouth Planning Application
Sunday, August 17, 2008
RIP Harry

Monday, August 11, 2008
1300 Christchurch Road
Thursday, August 07, 2008
AFC Bournemouth - A question of fairness?

Rotherham football club will start the new season with a 17 point deficit as a consequence of their not coming out of administration in a proper manner.
Apparently the same threat hangs over AFC Bournemouth and the fate of the club will be decided by the Football League today.
Deducting points from the club would seem to me to be completely retrograde. They were already relegated last season and if the club is to have any chance of survival, let alone thriving, then success on the pitch is an, if not the, essential component.
Making the team start with a points deficit from which they will find it difficult if not impossible to recover doesn't seem fair to me. More importantly it seems terribly unfair for the players and the fans. They shouldn't be penalised for problems in the boardroom.
Friday, July 25, 2008
No takers for chips in bins
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Future 3000 in trouble
Saturday, July 19, 2008
King's Park Travellers' incursion
Thank you to all of you who were in touch yesterday to warn of the Travellers who had arrived in King’s Park and next to the doctor’s surgery in
To give you a full update on what has happened to date:
A group of 7 traveller caravans arrived in
Parks Officers reacted quickly to closing the
We were then advised (at around 7:30pm) that these remaining travellers had gained entry to
My apologies for the amount of detail but it is just to show that every reasonable step was taken to prevent this incursion from growing.
From a first look, it appears that this is the same group that occupied the same area last year (August 2007). This group generally frequent the area to stay locally for the Steam Fair at the end of August. As these were working travellers there was a lot of garden and other waste left behind, unlike the other recent group on the East Overcliff. Because of the behaviour of some of this group and the damage that was caused in order to get on to the space, this may be reflected in the speed we can reclaim the land, however the minimum is usually within 7-10 days.
Our parks officers will be carrying out the initial needs assessment later today with a Police Officer and our lawyers will be briefed on Monday in order to start the legal process.
I’m very grateful to Brian Heppenstall from the King’s Park team who has provided much of the detail for this information.
You may be aware that Jane has already arranged for wooden stakes to be placed around the green space in
I’ll of course keep you up to date with any further developments.
Friday, July 04, 2008
David Cameron and the Regional Spatial Strategy
I had to pick him up from Bournemouth Airport and take him to the conference centre. I therefore managed to get 20 minutes with him to talk to him about how important the Regional Spatial Strategy is to our area. He was horrified to hear about the proposals from the Examination in Public which would result in enormous incursions on to the Green Belt in East Dorset, Purbeck and Bournemouth.
He agreed entirely with our campaign to ensure that local people, through their local councils decide where, how many, of what type and for whom this housing should take place. He also agreed to confirm that a Conservative Government would overturn these plans if we were elected in time to stop the planning permissions being granted.

When we reached the BIC demonstrators from Lytchett Minster and Lytchett Matravers were already outside the building. I had a chance to talk to them while David Cameron went in to do his speech. It was great to see both Conservative and Liberal Democrat Councillors from Purbeck and the County Councils there demonstrating side by side. They were joined after a little while by people from Bournemouth, Christchurch and East Dorset.
David gave an interview to the Daily Echo, which I understand is going to be front page news tomorrow. He confirmed our position over the RSS in the interview. Good for him.
More importantly he also took a few minutes to meet and speak with the demonstrators outside. Again he emphasised the party's opposition and told the demonstration that if we're elected in time we would over turn the plans. He also confirmed that a Conservative Government would do away with all regional bodies, handing responsibility back to local councils to decide what kind of development should take place in their own areas.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Mobile phone mast protest
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Holdenhurst Avenue/Christchurch Road Mobile Phone Mast Protest
Hopefully the Daily Echo and local radio stations will be there to report on the objection.
Do please come along (and bring a sign showing your opposition) if you can.
Congratulations to Iain Dale
Saturday, May 31, 2008
I am Legend?

Saturday, April 12, 2008
1300 Christchurch Road
The developers have now made two fresh applications, one for 4 houses to be built on the site, each with one parking space, and the second for a single, large house to be built in the garden. Again, traffic concerns are of paramount importance with the site, being on such a dangerous corner. If you wish to comment on the applications you have until 30th March to make your views know to the Planning Department at the Council.
AFC Bournemouth Planning Application
If you remember there was an appeal lodged against the Council’s decision to turn down the application to knock down the house in
I’m pleased to say that the appeal was also refused. Given the financial problems at the club, it may be a little while before a further application is made, but I would suspect that a fresh application will eventually be forthcoming.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Environmental Small Grants Scheme
The funding is available for up to £1000 for community groups in Bournemouth. The projects must contribute towards improving the environment, green spaces or promote awareness or contribute to recycling targets. The funding can only be used for capital not revenue (so no wages or services) and the group needs to be a constituted group with a bank account in the name of the group (in some instances we may be able to work around this by asking for invoices to be sent directly to the Council).
Applications can be submitted at any time but the project must happen this financial year. The application process is intentionally simple if you would like to apply then you should contact Cat McMillan
Littledown and Iford Forum
1085 - 1087 Christchurch Road
1300 Christchurch Road - Application for 9 Flats
We would recommend residents oppose the application and have circulated our our usual letters explaining how to object.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Planning Application Notices
I’m taking this up with the planning department.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Seasonal Drunkenness

The reason?
Because of the fear of disruption from drunken people.
This fact was used in the context on a commentary about 24 hour licensing policy.
Undoubtedly the introduction of extended licensing hours has played its part in the increasing problem of drink related anti social behaviour and disruption. However, I do wonder how many of those who attend church on Christmas Eve inebriated have at the very least begun their drinking at home, if not completed it there too.
Until we control the sale of cheap alcohol through supermarkets and off licenses we will be unable to control the problems associated with excess alcohol consumption.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Nostalgia for Hartland